Collection: Immune System

The immune system is very important when it comes to your dog or horse's health. Your immune system plays a big role in fighting off pathogens that horses come in contact with while hauling, season and temperature changes, new horses coming or leaving your property, and young horses being exposed and building their immune system as they get older.

Our horses come in contact with viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Whether it be unsanitary stalls while hauling to shows, or moisture and wet hay inside your trailer or barn that can turn into mold. Horses can be exposed to these pathogens more frequently than we think.

In TCM if the Lung Qi is weak, the wei qi also becomes weak. Resulting in the protection against outside pathogens weak. 

Remedy - Formulated for horses or dogs that are experiencing your common cold, viral or bacterial infection, and even mold exposure. Strong antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties work to boost the immune system. Symptoms can be coughing, snotty nose, strangles, sickness, and sarcoids. Remedy helps by opening the lungs, spreading and raising lung qi, reducing phlegm, diluting the mucus making it easier to get rid of phlegm, and purifying the blood to flush out toxins. Remedy also promotes lymph drainage, helps mobilize white blood cells to help fight infection, and renews worn out antioxidants while strengthening the immune system and supporting the adrenal glands during times of stress. 

This formula is only recommended during symptoms of illness, not an all year product. 

Regulate - Formulated for the overall healthy horse or dog to act as a preventative by supporting the organs and immune system. The key to a healthy immune system is to aid in its overall balance, creating a strong and resistant environment. This formula contains nutrient dense herbs, rich in antioxidant's that aid in nourishing the body while strengthening immunity.

We recommend this formula be followed with a clean diet for best results.

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