Collection: Gastrointestinal

Gastrointestinal issues are some of the most common issues noticed among horses today. From foregut or hindgut ulcers, to even colic which is the result of excess gas, impaction or stress induced ulcers. 

The digestive system in TCM includes the stomach and spleen. The emotion connected to the digestive system is worry. The stomach receives foods and fluids and digests it, while the spleen converts food to qi. Energy of the spleen is ascending - transforming the food that we eat and the fluids that we drink into nutrients, blood and energy, and transport them to the remaining organs and body tissues for nourishment. If this is deficient, then the muscles and body tissues are not being sufficiently nourished. Eating processed foods is hard on the spleen and deficiency then comes easy. When the spleen is weak the qi sinks downwards and results in excess dampness and phlegm. This can cause bloating and loose stools because there is not enough digestive fire to warm the stool to dry it out. Energy of the stomach is descending in nature so excess fluid and food waste will be sent downwards to the excretion organs. If stomach energies rebel, the energy moves upwards instead of downwards, causing nausea, vomiting and excess gas. Stress, overactive liver, illness, and pregnancy are all potential causes for stomach qi ascending. In TCM it is believed that ulcers are caused by the imbalance of the digestive system and heat of the stomach and spleen. It is also found that a great amount of ulcers are caused by the bacteria H. pylori. 

The market is flooded with products aiming to provide relief for ulcer symptoms. ActivateQi formulas were created as the answer to the question of “Why”. If you have dealt with a horse that experiences gastrointestinal issues, you probably have struggled with trying every solution on the market due to the relentless nature of these issues returning once treatments are stopped, or even struggling to rid them of them in the first place. We cannot eliminate the symptoms if we don’t eliminate the cause, ActivateQi formulas work to address the cause while soothing symptoms. 

Relentless - Formulated for horses that struggle with an imbalanced gastrointestinal system. These horses may struggle with gastrointestinal ulcers.

This formula helps get to the root cause of gastrointestinal issues by tonifying the stomach and spleen, protects the layer of mucous that covers the digestive tract, and kills H. pylori.

We recommend this formula be followed with a clean diet for best results.

It can take 1-3 months to help restore the stomach lining depending on the severity of the ulcers. We suggest working with your veterinarian, and or scoping your horse to track improvement. 

An imbalance of the digestive system can look like:

  • Indigestion
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Ulcers
  • Poor energy 
  • Diarrhea or constipation 
  • Teeth grinding 
  • Poor appetite or picky eating 
  • Weight loss 
  • Intermittent colic (esp. right after eating)
  • Upset GI 
  • Phlegm in the throat, coughing and clearing the throat 
  • Muscle or body tissue weakness due to lack of nutrition from spleen deficiency

Redemption - Formulated for horses that are experiencing severe gastrointestinal inflammation such as irritable bowel disease, leaky gut, and autoimmune conditions. 

Horses experiencing severe gastrointestinal inflammation can be caused from an inflammatory diet, and high levels of stress. This can lead to leaky gut which is small tears in the lining of the GI tract, causing the body to have an autoimmune response, also leading to numerous allergies and respiratory issues. Irritable bowel can look like chronic weight issues, frequent loose stools, repetitive colic episodes, and lack of color to the gums due to lack of blood flow and nourishment to the body. 

This formula helps by balancing and strengthening all of the digestive organs, spleen, stomach and the liver. Balancing the spleen and drying excess dampness from being overworked, and helping proper nutrients transport to the body. The liver is also an important digestive organ that often gets overlooked as it's important to balance the proper amount of bile flow into the GI tract, and the liver blood nourishes the body. This formula has immunomodulating properties and helps balance the body's immune response. Redemption also helps with severe stomach pain and muscle spasms. 

We strongly recommend a clean diet for these cases for best results. 

Rescue - Formulated for horses experiencing colic symptoms. We encourage the use of Rescue in emergency situations but not in lieu of Veterinarian attention.

One of the reasons horses can colic is from food stagnation or hardenings not passing through the GI tract, along with or because of dehydration. This formula was created to help break up food stagnation or hardenings, moisten the GI tract, relieve muscle cramp and spasm in the abdomen, and is a digestive stimulant. 

This product is ideal to have on hand in case of emergency. 

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