In TCM, a meridian is a channel through which Qi, or energy flows. Meridians are also known as acupuncture meridians or energy vessels.
The meridian pathway is to be pictured like a roadmap, and function like a network much like our highway system. There are twelve major meridians that run on each side of the body that mirror each other. Each meridian corresponds to an internal organ. Energy and blood flow are continuously going through the meridians, and also transmit information to your organs.
Meridians allow for the flow of Qi to circulate throughout the body. They exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway. These 12 meridians are lung, large intestine, spleen, stomach, heart, small intestine, kidney, bladder, pericardium, triple burner, liver, gallbladder. There is also a governing vessel meridian and a conception vessel meridian.
Yin channels are located on the inside surfaces and the yang channels are located on the outside surfaces. Each meridian is a yin yang pair, meaning that each yin organ (lung, heart, kidney, liver, spleen) is paired with its corresponding yang organ (large intestine, stomach, small intestine, bladder, gallbladder). Yin corresponds to water, darkness and cold, while yang corresponds to fire, daylight and heat. For the body to function properly, there must be balance between the yin and yang. When the Qi flows freely, the body remains healthy. Due to various outside causes like stress, the body’s meridians can become blocked or stagnant. When a blockage occurs along the meridians, illness can take place. ActivateQi is different from any other product on the market because we address the cause, not just the symptoms.