Collection: Nerves and Neurological

Lyme Disease - Unfortunately in today's world we are seeing the numbers continue to rise with horses being affected by Lyme disease, a tick borne bacteria illness that attacks the nervous system. It is important to know the development of lyme so it can be addressed properly. There are a variety of forms of lyme and co infections, so each horse will present their cases differently. This disease is a toxicity as the bacteria live, breed and die inside the body creating a result of endotoxins. The metabolism and lymphatic system are often affected in lyme cases as the bacteria hide inside the walls of white blood cells, which results in swollen or congested lymph glands. Cleansing the body of these is a long term process as there are multiple steps to this protocol. In TCM the first stage is to strengthen and clear the pathways of elimination, clearing heat in the blood to rid the infection. Heat in the blood creates dryness which internally feels like stiffness and tension in the muscles and tissues. Dampness in the body also creates wind which results in neurological systems. Clearing these pathways allows the body to rid these symptoms. 

The second stage is to cleanse the body of parasites. Parasites carry these bacteria throughout the body and like to hide dormant in organs. Which in result is why it is common to relapse. You do not want to overload your horse's system with too much cleansing at once, which is why we recommend these in steps and how your horse is handling them. Once your horse has finished Knockout and Reverse we do recommend Respond to help strengthen damaged nerves, and promote cognitive function.  

Some symptoms can look like chronic inflammation, muscle or joint pain, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, skin rashes, muscle atrophy, lines in the skin of the neck caused by parasites, and neurological issues. 

We have been driven to provide a solution to help these horses without relapsing, and the harsh side effects of drugs. 

Be aware if you have a mare that has had lyme to treat them, as the placenta is a detox organ and your foals will then carry on this bacteria into the blood and can affect the foal. 

Reverse - was formulated to assist in cleansing the Lyme bacteria out of the body, while supporting the immune system. Reverse also clears heat while resolving dampness, reduces swelling and inflammation, helping joint or muscle pain, opening the lymphatic system, while supporting the liver and kidneys. 

Respond - was formulated for your horse to have an improved response system and enhance the function of the central nervous system. Powerful nervine properties help strengthen damaged nerves, and promote cognitive function.

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