Promoting Vision and Eye Health with Revision for Horses and Dogs

Vision is Essential for Horses and Dogs to Navigate Their Environments and Maintain Their Well-being

Unfortunately, many animals experience compromised vision or eye injuries due to a variety of factors such as aging, stress, and underlying health conditions. Revision was carefully formulated to support animals experiencing issues related to their eyes and vision, making it an excellent addition to your pet’s health routine.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver is directly connected to the eyes. According to TCM principles, the liver blood nourishes the eyes, and disruptions in liver function can lead to various eye conditions. A poor diet, stress, and emotional imbalances can all weaken the liver’s function, resulting in problems such as red or irritated eyes, blurred vision, or even more serious conditions like conjunctivitis.  

Here’s how Revision works to improve and maintain healthy eyes from a holistic standpoint

Revision works to support both the liver and the kidneys, helping to clear blockages, reduce inflammation, and promote overall eye health. Let’s dive deeper into how this powerful formula can help your horse or dog maintain healthy vision.

Relieves Swelling or Redness in the Eyes

Eye inflammation is a common issue, especially in animals exposed to environmental irritants or those suffering from liver imbalances. Revision contains ingredients that help relieve swelling and redness, soothing irritated eyes and promoting comfort. Stress and emotions affect Qi flow throughout the body and can cause liver Qi stagnation, which can lead to eye pain, red eyes, or irritability. Insufficient liver blood may cause blurred vision or dry eyes, where as hyperactivity of the liver can lead to pain or swelling of the eyes. 

Moistens Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable for both horses and dogs, often leading to irritation and rubbing. Revision works to moisten the eyes, providing relief from dryness and promoting the health of the tear glands.

Increases Production of Red and White Blood Cells

Healthy blood circulation is essential for maintaining good eye health. Revision helps increase the production of both red and white blood cells, ensuring that the eyes receive the nutrients they need to function optimally.

Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys

In TCM, the liver and kidneys play a critical role in nourishing the eyes. Revision works by tonifying these vital organs, restoring balance and promoting better eye health.

Clears Heat and Expels Wind

Excess heat and wind in the body can lead to eye irritation, swelling, and discomfort. Revision helps clear excess heat from the liver and expel wind from the body, relieving these symptoms and promoting overall eye health.

Improves Blood Flow to the Eyes

Poor circulation can lead to a range of vision issues. Revision improves blood flow to the eyes, ensuring that they are well-nourished and able to heal from injury or irritation.

Helps with Eye Floaters, Conjunctivitis, or Tearing

For animals suffering from conditions like conjunctivitis, excessive tearing, or eye floaters, Revision provides relief by reducing inflammation, promoting healing, and improving overall eye function.

Symptoms That Revision Addresses

Revision is suitable for horses and dogs showing symptoms of compromised vision or eye health. Some common signs that may indicate your animal could benefit from this formula include:

    • Blurred vision
    • Poor eyesight
    • Eye injuries
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Red, swollen, or irritated eyes
    • Excessive tearing or discharge

If your horse or dog is experiencing vision problems or eye discomfort, Revision offers a natural, effective solution to help restore balance and promote long-term eye health.

Eye Injury or Vision Weakness Healing Herbs
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